Upcoming events.
Advisory Workgroup Meeting
The workgroup will begin looking at coordinator candidates and discussing the potential SLU partnership. If you would like to be part of the hiring committee please contact info@spedcoopstl.com.

Special Education Co-op’s 2024 All Schools Meeting
As a group, we’ll debrief the Coop’s first six months - good, bad, and ugly. We’ll also strategize for the next six months and beyond. Please attend with your school’s special education lead and other staff relevant to your school’s special education delivery. You and your school’s perspective are vital inputs for this meeting and you don’t want to miss it. This meeting will be hosted at KIPP’s offices in Delmar DivINe in suite B400. Refreshments will be provided.
June Workshop
Join us for strategic planning for the co-op’s year one. The workshop will be held in Skip’s Office Space. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.